Important Information About The COVID-19 Vaccine Available To Residents Of Our Facility.

Long Beach Nursing and Rehabilitation Center

Commitment, Compassion, Customized Care

In compliance with N.Y.S. Executive Order 202.18 and CDC requirements, the Facility is providing the following information to update our Residents and loved ones during this global health crisis.

The Facility can confirm that it has Residents who have tested positive for COVID-19 and Residents who have recovered from the virus. We are following CDC and N.Y.S. Department of Health (“DOH”) guidelines in the care and treatment of our most vulnerable population during this unprecedented health crisis.

The Facility can also confirm, with a heavy heart, that Residents have suffered COVID-related deaths. The staff and administration at the Facility are deeply saddened by any death of any of its Residents and we remain steadfast, working diligently, on the front lines of this battle doing our part to fight the COVID-19 virus.

The Facility has submitted, and will continue to submit, detailed information to the DOH and CDC in accordance with its reporting requirements and encourages all of its Resident’s family members to reach out to our social work staff to facilitate calls and/or virtual visits with their loves ones to provide their support during this critical time.

On 5/1/23, in accordance with DOH and CDC requirements, the Facility is reporting as follows:

Number: Reporting:
1 In-house Resident(s) that are currently COVID-positive
153 Total Resident(s) that have test(ed) positive for COVID-19 to date
0 In-house Resident(s) who test(ed) positive for COVID-19 on the above date
0 In-house Resident(s) who exhibited new onset of COVID-19 symptoms, including respiratory symptoms, on the above date
0 Resident(s) suffered a COVID-related death in-house on the above date
91 Total Employees that have test(ed) positive for COVID-19 to date*
0 Employees exhibited new onset of COVID-19 symptoms, including respiratory symptoms, on the above date*
0 Employees who test(ed) positive for COVID-19 on the above date*

The foregoing reflects the information for the above date and is not a cumulative total unless otherwise noted.

If the above information relates to your loved one, a facility representative will inform the Resident’s primary contact directly.

* Please note that employees who test positive for COVID-19 but remained asymptomatic are not eligible to return to work for 14 days from first positive test. Symptomatic employees may not return to work until 14 days after the onset of symptoms provided that at least 72 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and respiratory symptoms are improving.

January 13, 2022:

Please be advised that the New York State Department of Health has issued new guidelines on January 12, 2022 for visitation in Skilled Nursing facilities.

During the duration of the Omicron outbreak in New York, visitors must present a negative SARS-CoV-2 test result taken within 1 day of visitation for antigen tests and 2 days prior to visitation for PCR tests.

It is preferred and recommended by the Department of Health that visitors are tested prior to visiting and come to the facility with a negative test result. In the event a visitor does not have a test result prior to arrival, the facility will provide a COVID-19 test kit from the limited supply provided by New York State Department of Health.

In addition, visitors must wear a well-fitting surgical mask, or mask of higher quality such as a KN95 or N95, at all times during any visitation at the facility, and continue to adhere to social distancing and core principles of infection control. A cloth mask may be placed over paper masks.

We thank you for your continued patience and support during this unprecedented time.

November 16th, 2021:

Under the revised CMS QSO-20-39-NH revised on November 12, 2021, facilities may expand visitation to be allowed for all residents at all times. Please remember at each visit you must stop at the front desk to complete the sign-in and COVID-19 screening process. As always, televisits remain available by scheduling with the activities department. Please view our Visitation Plan and Visitation Fact Sheet below. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon.

July 27, 2021:

Please note that appointments are no longer needed and we are happy to announce the following hours are available for visitation. We invite you to visit your loved one between the hours of 10am-12pm, 2pm-5pm and 6:30pm-8pm. Just a reminder that no more than two visitors are allowed per resident at any time. Please remember at each visit you must stop at the front desk to complete the sign-in and COVID-19 screening process. As always, televisits remain available by scheduling with the activities department.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you.

Please review the following attachments.

DOH Visitation Guidelines
Facility Visitation Plan
Facility Fact Sheet

May 17, 2021:

The CDC recently issued a new statement regarding the use of masks indoors for fully vaccinated people. We respectfully remind everyone that masks must be worn at all times while in the facility. We will continue to provide updates as these policies evolve.

5-17-21 Letter-CDC Indoor Mask Guidance

March 29, 2021:

NYS Department of Health issued a Health Advisory on March 25, 2021, advising visitation may be expanded, beginning March 25, 2021, as long as there are certain core principles and best practices that reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

Given the continued risk of COVID-19 transmission, the NYS Department of Health continues to emphasize the importance of maintaining infection prevention practices and strongly encourages that the facility continues to request, or test, ALL visitors to help reduce any such risk of COVID-19 transmission. Please find below the NYS DOH Health Advisory, the Facility Visitation Plan, and the Visitor Expectation Fact Sheet.

DOH Visitation Guidelines
Facility Visitation Plan
Facility Fact Sheet

March 16, 2021:

Our pharmacy partner will soon be providing the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to our facility to administer to your loved one.  For your reference please find a Fact Sheet for information regarding the vaccine (click here for the vaccine fact sheet), its full Emergency Use Authorization (EAU) Prescribing Information  (click here for the EAU Authorization), Questions and Answers about the vaccine  (click here for the questions and answers), and the required consent form (click here for the consent form) or declination form (click here for the declination form).  Per State regulation the completion of a consent form is required prior to administration of the vaccine. Please note that if your loved one has already received the first dose of the vaccine, a second consent form is still required. Please complete and return either the consent or declination form to the facility by March 22, 2021.

If your loved one was recently admitted or you wish to consent to the first dose of the vaccine at this time, please complete the consent form and return same to the facility as soon as possible. Please be advised that separate consent forms are required by our pharmacy provider for each dose of the vaccine.

If you have any questions, please call the Social Work department.

February 26, 2021:

The N.Y.S. Department of Health (“NYSDOH”) issued a Health Advisory on February 23, 2021, which allows limited visitation subject to the Facility’s visitation plan. The Facility’s Visitation Plan has been updated in accordance with NYSDOH Health Advisory dated February 23, 2021. Under the revised DOH Health Advisory guidance beginning February 26, 2021, nursing homes may expand visitation and/or activities based on the needs of the residents and the facility’s structure.  Please find below the NYS DOH Health Advisory, the Facility Visitation Plan, and the Visitor Expectation Fact Sheet.

January 6, 2021:

Our pharmacy partner, CVS, will be administering the second dosage of the vaccine on 1/13/21 at the facility.  For information regarding the vaccine (click here), its administration (click here), and the required consent form (click here).  Our pharmacy partner is requiring the completion of a second consent form before it will administer the second dose of the vaccine. If your loved one has already received the first dose of the vaccine, a second consent form is required. Please complete and return the consent form to the facility prior to the administration date of 1/13/21.

If your loved one was recently admitted or you wish to consent to the first dose of the vaccine at this time, please complete the consent form and return same to the facility before the administration date of 1/13/21. Please be advised that separate consent forms are required by our pharmacy provider for each dose of the vaccine.

If you have any questions, please call the Social Work department.

As the facility has not been provided with any future dates from its pharmacy partner, please be advised that 1/13/21 will be the last date for the administration of the first dose of the vaccine.

December 16, 2020:

The Facility expects to receive the COVID-19 vaccine shortly. Our partner pharmacy, CVS, will be providing and administering the vaccine to our patients and employees. The consent form for the COVID vaccine to be administered at the Facility is available here. Also available are the Pfizer fact Sheet (here), the Emergency Use Authorization Information sheet (here), and a Q&A about the vaccine from the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine (here). Please call the Social Work department at the Facility with any questions.

September 17, 2020:

You can review the Facility’s updated Visitation Plan here, the Visitor Fact Sheet here, and the NYS DOH Health Advisory from 9/17/20 here.

September 14, 2020

Pursuant to requirements of Chapter 114 of the Laws of 2020, you can review the Facility’s Pandemic Emergency Plan (PEP) here and the PEP Policy Annex here.

July 29, 2020:

Please be advised that once visitation is permitted at the Facility, such visitation will be by appointment only. Please click here to schedule your visit: You can review the Facility’s Visitation Plan here and the Visitor Fact Sheet here

July 15, 2020:

As stated by the New York State Department of Health in its July 10, 2020 Health Advisory (copy available here), limited visitation in nursing homes may begin as of July 15, 2020 if the Facility meets all criteria. UNFORTUNATELY, at this time, the Facility does not meet the criteria to allow us to open for limited visitation. The website will be updated as soon as such criteria is met.

According to DOH guidelines, once implemented we will have strict infection control policies and procedures in place for the safety of your loved ones. You will be updated on those policies and procedures when our limited visitation goes into effect and further information regarding our protocols will be posted on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Facility’s social work department.

July 2, 2020

Please be advised that the Facility is awaiting permission and protocols to resume visitation from the N.Y.S. Department of Health (“NYSDOH”). Preliminary guidelines from CMS can be found at:

Such protocols may include the following:

  • Visitors shall abide by our infection control protocols, including proper hand washing and use of hand sanitizer.
  • Visitors and residents shall always wear face coverings during visits.
  • Visitors shall complete a screening upon arrival, including a temperature check and answering questions regarding exposure to and symptoms related to COVID-19 and recent travel.
  • Visits shall only be permitted in the common areas of the Facility, not on patient units or floors.
  • Visits shall be scheduled in advance for a specific period of time to allow the Facility sufficient time to clean and sanitize the common areas between visits.
  • Limitation on the number of family members that can visit at one time.
  • Visitors may bring wrapped packages that can be sanitized and taken back to resident rooms. Open food or drink will not be permitted during visitation.
  • The Facility will prepare an outdoor space, as available, to allow families to take loved ones outside, weather permitting.
  • Visitors shall practice proper social distancing.

Once NYSDOH grants permission and finalizes guidelines to resume visitation, the Facility will implement any necessary protocols as soon as possible to allow family and friends to visit their loved ones. It is important that visitors properly follow visitation guidelines to ensure a safe visit for their loved ones and to protect other residents and our front-line workers. Visitors that do not adhere to such guidelines will be asked to leave immediately.

We thank you for your continued patience and support during this unprecedented time. The Facility continues to vigorously follow all CDC, CMS and NYSDOH guidelines to protect our residents and their well-being.  We will communicate further and may revise the above based on the recommendations and requirements of the NYSDOH and CMS.

May 14, 2020:

In compliance with N.Y.S. Executive Order 202.30, the Facility has made arrangements with a laboratory to test all employees twice a week for COVID-19. Employees that test positive must remain at home in isolation, in accordance with the guidance and directives of the N.Y.S. Department of Health. The Facility will continue to update its website with COVID-related information to keep you informed. We appreciate your continued support throughout this crisis.

In light of concerns regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to keep you informed of proactive measures we are undertaking to protect our residents, staff and visitors from exposure and prepare for the possible spread of illness. Our priority is the health and safety of our residents, staff and visitors. Accordingly, we are closely monitoring announcements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and New York Department of Health (DOH) and following agency guidance in addition to consulting industry resources.

Please note that we are constantly evaluating our policies and protocols in view of new information and they are subject to change. We will do our best to keep you apprised of changes by updating this notice.


Prior to concerns about COVID-19, we had infection prevention and control procedures in place to maximize the health and safety of the vulnerable population we serve. We have enhanced our existing protocols to minimize the risk of exposure and to provide clinical and operational personnel the information and tools necessary to address the situation as it evolves.

The following is a summary of measures undertaken to date consistent with regulatory guidance:

Interdisciplinary Task Force

  • Led by our Medical Director and Director of Nursing, our interdisciplinary team is in constant communication working together to develop efficient and effective procedures and protocols to minimize the risk of exposure and prepare for possible spread.
  • We monitor and have been communicating with DOH and other regulators as well as trade associations and other health care providers to obtain the most up to date information to allow us to evaluate and implement the most effective prevention and control protocols.

Resident Monitoring

  • Our clinicians are vigilantly monitoring resident health.
  • We have trained our staff to identify residents who might be at risk of COVID-19 and are prepared to institute precautions for these residents if the need arises.

Employee and Contractor Screening

  • We are screening employees and contractors for symptoms or potential exposure to COVID-19 to prevent the introduction of the COVID-19 infection.

Facility Maintenance

  • We have increased the frequency of cleaning on high touch surfaces and high trafficked public areas with hospital-grade bleach disinfectant. This is done daily, and in many areas, multiple times a day.
  • We have made hand sanitizer readily available for residents, visitors and staff.


Based on guidance published by CMS, as a preventative measure to limit outside exposure to our residents, we have limited all visitation except end-of-life or other essential situations. Visitors for whom visitation is permitted under the limited exceptions may not visit if they have fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea as noted in the poster published by DOH, attached hereto.

We know that this will be challenging for our residents and their families and loved ones and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in order to protect the health and safety of your loved ones.

If you have any questions about the visitation limits, please call (516) 897-1110.

Visitors will be screened prior to entry for the following risk factors:

  • Contact within the last 14 days with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection; 
  • Within the last 14 days travel to high risk areas as defined by the CDC including but not limited to China, Iran, Italy, Japan or South Korea or a cruise ship, or participated in other stings where crowds are confined to a common location;
  • Residing in a community where community-based spread of COVID-19 is occurring;
  • Respiratory illness; and
  • Signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection, fever, shortness of breath, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea please do not visit the facility until 24 hours after your signs/symptoms have resolved. We want to ensure the health of our staff and residents by enforcing the standards recommended.

Visitors subject to the limited exceptions who have any of the risk factors will be barred from entry. 

Visitors will be required to sanitize hands upon entry and asked limit their movement within the facility to the resident’s room (e.g. reduce walking the halls, avoid going to dining room, etc.)

Volunteers and Non-Essential Vendors

We have advised volunteers and non-essential vendors to refrain from participating in programs at this time.

Below are helpful links.

Care Compare Five-Star Ratings of Nursing Homes

Provider Rating Report for March 2025

Ratings for Long Beach Nursing and Rehabilitation Center (335432)
Long Beach, New York

Star ratings for different aspects of nursing home quality
Overall Quality Health Inspection Quality Measures Staffing
Overall Quality Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Health Inspection Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Quality Measures Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Staffing Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


If you are interested in coming to Long Beach Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, our admissions team can help you get started.

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